Not OK


Not OK


Please tell me

When is it okay

To alienate minorities

To make blanket accusations

About people who

Do not look like you?

When is it okay

To pick fights with others

Because you feel like it

Simply because

They disagree with you?

When is it okay

For someone to degrade another

To grope them

Touch their privates

And boast about it?

When is it okay

To say to our daughters

“I’ll be dating her in ten years”

On camera

And get away with it?

 When is it okay

To tell our sons

Degrading girls

And raping them

Is acceptable?

When is it okay

To teach our children

It’s not okay to do these things

Yet we elect

Some one who does?

When is it okay

To have a double standard

To say these behaviors

Are unacceptable

Yet we elect who behaves like that?

It is NOT OK!

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